Drainage & Grading Services in Omaha, Elkhorn, Bennington, NE & Nearby Areas
Let our pros fix poor drainage and grading on your property by installing drainage solutions and leveling out your lawn.
It can be a real headache when your property has issues with retaining water, especially when you end up with a muddy yard after heavy rain. Luckily, when you partner with us, you can bid that problem goodbye. Our experts can help fix poor drainage by installing French drains, dry creek beds, and catch basins to direct water away from your property. We also have top-rated grading services that will level out your lawn, so you can prevent more extensive issues like standing water that may ruin your landscape and the foundation of your home.
Our expert technicians will stop at nothing to ensure your property has proper drainage and grading in order to prevent any costly issues. We provide our services to homes and businesses in Omaha, Elkhorn, Bennington, NE and nearby areas.
Our Drainage Solutions Include French Drains, Dry Creek Beds, & Catch Basins

Our crew takes installing drainage solutions seriously. We understand the severity of poor drainage as standing water may drown your plants and negatively affect the foundation of your home. We don't want you to deal with that kind of headache! At Groundscapes, Inc., we can help install these drainage solutions on your property:
- French drains: French drains are achieved by digging out a sloped trench and placing a pipe under the ground to redirect water flow away from your yard.
- Dry creek beds: We can also install dry creek beds that help prevent erosion and runoff. This type of drain can also help improve your property's aesthetics as it mimics the natural appearance of a riverbank.
- Catch basin: We will install a catch basin at the lowest point of your property so rainwater can be collected and redirected to another area off of your property.
Our Grading Services Will Help Prevent Pooling Water

A poorly graded property is a terrible problem for any property owner, but our experienced contractors can help save the day! We offer excellent grading services that will level out your lawn and allow water to flow away from your home, protecting the foundation of your home from flooding. We will also ensure proper grading on your lawn to prevent pooling water that may affect your yard and drown your plants. We can flatten out your yard or level it slightly sloped away from your home to keep water from flowing into your property.
Standing water around your home can cause mold buildup and can even lead to cracks in your home's foundation.
Call our professionals today to schedule our drainage and grading services!
If your property has issues with poor drainage and improper grading, our experts at Groundscapes, Inc. are more than capable of helping you out! We can install effective drainage solutions such as French drains, dry creek beds, and catch basins, so you can rest easy knowing water will not collect on your yard and cause damage to your property. Our experts also offer grading services where we will flatten out your yard and ensure water is flowing away from your home.
We provide our services to homes and businesses in Omaha, Elkhorn, Bennington, NE and nearby communities. Call us today at (402) 397-5930 to schedule our services! We look forward to working with you to take care of all of your drainage and grading needs.